Logo and design guide

The design guide represents the visual identity of The Danish National Genome Center. The guide is a tool that describes the guidelines that apply to our design. You can read about the use of logo, typography/fonts, pictures, colours and brands in the design guide.

The logo, icons etc. of the Danish National Genome Center may only be used on material that the agency is a sender of. In some instances, the agency’s logo, icons, etc. can be used on material e.g. if the agency supports a project. In these instances, prior permission has been given by the agency.

The Danish National Genome Center’s material, including logo, icons, videos, posters and publications, must not be used in commercial contexts. This implies, among other things, that it is neither permitted to sell products that contain the Danish National Genome Center’s logo, icons, etc., or the agency’s material in general. This applies regardless of the purpose.

It is also not permitted to make changes to the Danish National Genome Center’s material, e.g. videos, posters and publications. This applies both in relation to content of the material (text, etc.) and to the visual expression of the material (colour, design, layout, etc.). E.g. it is not permitted to add your own text in the Danish National Genome Center’s material or make other changes to the material.

It is also not permitted to use the Danish National Genome Center’s logo in such a way that the Danish National Genome Center appears author or sender of messages, publications, websites etc. This will constitute a violation of the Danish Criminal Code s. 132(1)(a)

Design guide & Logo

The Danish National Genome Center has a design guide that provides information on logos, images, icons, and other design elements. It also includes guidelines on logo usage, primary and secondary colors, and much more.

Design guide (PDF In Danish)

Logo (zip format)

If you have any questions

If you are in doubt about the use of our logo and design guide, you can write to kontakt@ngc.dk


Updated May 27, 2024